
do almonds help in weight loss


 _ almond _

The almond tree is one of the trees that have been discovered since ancient times. Almond is a seed with a single kernel. It does not belong to the walnut family as some believe. It is also a type of nut that can be eaten raw or roasted. It is worth noting that almonds contain a high nutritional value. You make it nutritious and wholesome food. In this article, we will explain the health benefits of almonds and the nutritional values ​​they contain, in addition to mentioning the benefits of almonds for the diet in detail.

The nutritional value of almonds

The United States of America is known as the number one producer of almonds, as it is one of the nuts available everywhere, and many beneficial nutrients can be produced from almonds, such as almond milk, almond oil, almond butter, and flour. The nutritional value of each 28 gram of almond will be explained in the following:

* Fiber: 3.5 grams
* Protein: 6 grams.
Fat: 14 grams, 9 of which are monounsaturated.
* Vitamin E: 37%.
* Manganese: by 32%.
* Magnesium: by 20%.
* Calories: 161 calories.
* Carbs: 2.5 grams of digestible carbohydrates

Weight loss in three days

Almond benefits from a diet

Almonds are one of the types of nuts that help lose weight and burn excess fat, as they contain many nutrients that contribute to improving the metabolism and digestion of food, and although almonds contain a high percentage of calories, the most important benefits of almonds for diet lie In that the body absorbs only about 10-15% of the calories in it, in addition, the benefits of almonds for dieting are its ability to give the body a feeling of satiety and fullness, and this is what prevents the person from eating large quantities of food, and this explains the keenness of Nutritionists recommend that any diet program contain almonds.

Almond benefits from sex

The benefits of almonds are countless, and perhaps what should also be mentioned is how effective it is in maintaining sexual health, as it contains nutrients that give the body a sense of comfort and relaxation, such as the selenium compound that treats and limits the problem of depression and anxiety, in addition to containing almonds on acids. The fatty acids are necessary to increase the rate of production of male hormones that regulate and control the sex drive, and finally, it contains magnesium and protein that work to treat the problem of insomnia and give the body a peaceful sleep after the completion of the marital relationship.

Almond damage

Usually, a little almond is added to some diets, but a lot of it may cause side effects that harm the health of the body, so it is good to know the harms of eating too much, which are as follows:


Almonds are high in calories and fat which leads to obesity which leads to many other health problems.

Interactions with drugs: 

Almonds contain a high content of manganese, and if a large amount of it is taken with medicines, the compounds hurt health, and these medicines include antipsychotic medicines, pressure medicines, and some types of antibiotics.

Vitamin E overdose: 

Excessive consumption of this type of nuts may lead to an increase in the level of vitamin E in the body, which leads to health problems such as blurred vision, headaches, flatulence, and diarrhea.

Digestive problems: 

Eating a large number of almonds can cause constipation and flatulence because almonds do not contain enough fiber.

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